Laser Eye Surgery Consultation in Bridgeport

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Permanent Vision Correction

If you’ve ever worn glasses or contact lenses, you’ve probably thought about what life might be like if you didn’t have to. Laser eye surgery can help you wake up in the morning and clearly see your alarm clock!

We will help you navigate the different types of laser eye surgery available and determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. After a comprehensive eye exam, we will ensure you understand your options and which style of laser vision correction might best suit your situation.

Start your laser eye surgery journey by booking a consultation today!

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Who Can Benefit From Laser Eye Surgery?

Everyone considering laser eye surgery needs to have a comprehensive eye exam and consultation. We need to take a detailed look at your eyes and understand your health history and lifestyle needs in order to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

We’ll also be sure to discuss your expectations for the surgery. Many people achieve 20/20 vision after their procedure, but some may still need glasses or contact lenses post-surgery. But, surgery almost always decreases reliance on corrective lenses.

To be considered a candidate for laser eye surgery, your eyes must be in good health. Infections, severe dry eye, or recent trauma may mean you’ll need to delay the procedure.

Here are a few other considerations for surgery:

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Your refractive error must not be too great.
  • Your prescription must be stable.

To find out whether you’re a candidate for laser vision correction, book an appointment today!

What Is Laser Eye Surgery?

Laser eye surgery is a group of procedures—all just a little bit different—that use a laser to correct refractive errors in your vision.

Technological advances have made several types of laser vision correction possible, but the 2 most common types remain LASIK and PRK.


Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) involves a surgeon cutting a flap in your cornea. This flap is then folded back, and the remaining layers are reshaped with a precision laser.

Once the reshaping is complete, the surgeon will return the flap to its original position, and the cornea will repair itself. Post-surgery surveys report extremely high levels of satisfaction with LASIK.

Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) involves the surgeon removing the top layer of the cornea altogether. Then, they reshape the remaining layers with a laser.

Is Laser Surgery Right for Me?

As with any surgical procedure, some risks are associated with laser eye surgery. We will ensure you understand the risks and support you in making an informed decision.

Book your appointment for a laser eye surgery consultation today!

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Our Location

Find us at Bridgeport,WV on the corner of Doctors Drive and Orchard Avenue, just off US Route 50. Free parking is available in our spacious lot.

Our Address

  • 107 Doctors Dr
  • Bridgeport, WV 26330

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

24-hour coverage is available for eye emergencies.
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